
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

8 Green homework for 1/31

Science- Finish review materials and lab questions by Friday
Social Studies- Prepare for the essay test tomorrow and oral presentation on Thursday
Math- Algebra HW #8-5, Pre-Algebra finish proportion packet
Comm Arts- Socratic seminar packet due tomorrow, Night folder due 2/6

Students need to return both high school scheduling forms to Mr. Giesing by Friday

Monday, January 30, 2012

8 Green homework for Monday 1/30

Math - Pre Algebra should do WS #4 and algebra class should do HW 8-4
Comm Arts- homework on Night project due 2/6 and Socratic seminar packet is due 2/1
Science- Finish lab write-up and analysis by Friday
Social Studies- test on Wedensday, start preparing for it and make sure your folder is complete.

Friday, January 27, 2012

8 Green homework for Friday 1/27

Comm Arts- final draft due Monday
Science- finish paragraph on the differences bewteen elements, compounds and mixtures
Math- Algebra #8-3, pre-algebra none
Social Studies- challenge class should finish DBQ packet

Thursday, January 26, 2012

8Green homework for 1/26

Science- finish paragraph on the differences between elements, compounds and mixtures
Math  Pre- Alg complete #5-3, algebra finish review worksheet
Social Studies- finish DBQ packet questions
Comm. Arts- work on Night project

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

8 Green Homework for 1/24

Science- none
Comm Arts- continue working on Night projects
Math Alg- #8-1
         Pre-Alg. none
Social Studies - Complete through Documents 1-6 in the DBQ packet

Monday, January 23, 2012

8 Green homework for 1/23

Science- no homework
Social Studies- Complete up through Document G in your DBQ packet, History Day projects due tomorrow
                        for challenge class
Comm Arts - continue working on your Night project
Math- Pre-Alg. WS #1,  Algebra- none

Friday, January 20, 2012

8 Green homework for 1/20

Comm Arts- none
Math- none
Science- finish lab write-up
Social Studies- complete up through Document C in the DBQ packet, challenge class History Day projects
                        are due Tuesday.  No exceptions

Thursday, January 19, 2012

8 Green Homework for 1/19

Social Studies- Make sure you talk about high school scheduling tonight with  your parents.  The purple and 
                        white forms are due back to Mr. Giesing by Feb. 3.
Math- All classes have a test tomorrow and must complete MAP #18
Comm Arts- optional t shirt design due tomorrow, last day to turn in photo response
Science- complete worksheet on suspension

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

8 Green homework for 1/18

Comm Arts- none
Science- none
Math Pre-Alg. and Alg. should both finish the Practice Test
Social Studies- finish up though pg. 6 of your folder (Except for periods 2 and 3), challenge class should work on History Day projects

Students should also talk with their parents about today's presentation on high school scheduling.  Students will begin the process of signing up for high school classes through social studies classes tomorrow.  The deadline for turning in your schedule is Feb. 3

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

homework 1/17

Math - Alg. HW #7-5, Pre-Alg. no homwork, but test coming up on Friday
Science- Finish element project
Comm. Arts. - green parent form due tomorrow, 1/2 page response to website
Social Studies- complete through pg. 5 of you folder.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Homework 1/13

Typed rough draft due on Tuesday
Element homework assignment due wednesday. Don't forget the back. Social studies complete through page 5 of folder

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday 1/12

Sorry guys I am out of the building today at a professional development meeting.  I haven't been able to check with the rest of the team teachers in regards to homework tonight.  For tonight, I only know that in my class you should complete the 2 reading study guides that were given out today.  I'll be back in class tomorrow and we will begin our discussion of the growth of Christianity in the Roman Empire.  I also wanted to remind Challenge students that with the 3 day weekend coming up, it would be an ideal time to work on your History Day project.  The project is now due on Tuesday, Jan. 24.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

8 Green homework for Wed. 1/11

Math   Pre-algebra WS #5 Intercepts
           Algebra finsh HW 7-4
Science- "Does the temperature change?" handout due Friday
Social Studies- None
Comm Arts- None, late work policy signed and returned by 1/18

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

8 Green homework for 1/10

Comm Arts- complete your parent letter by 1/18

Science- prepare for quiz on Wednesday on solid, liquid, gas

Math - Pre-Alg- no homework
           alg. HW 7-3
Social Studies- Read pgs. 257-261

Monday, January 9, 2012

8 Green homework for Monday 1/9

Social studies-none
Math-pre-algebra worksheet #4, algebra 7-3 4-22 even 26,28,35 and 40
Science - finish numbering pages and turn in any latework
Comm Arts- none

Friday, January 6, 2012

8 green homework 1/6

Comm arts- none
Science-bring in your composition notebook and complete graph and conclusion
Social Studies- complete reading notes on section 2
Math-pre-algebra ws 3a

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Giesing 8Green Social Studies: 8Green homework for 1/4

Giesing 8Green Social Studies: 8Green homework for 1/4: Comm Arts and Social Studies have no homework tonight. Pre-Algebra students should complete WS #2 and Algebra should complete HW 7-2 Scien...

8Green homework for 1/4

Comm Arts and Social Studies have no homework tonight.
Pre-Algebra students should complete WS #2 and Algebra should complete HW 7-2
Science should bring in new science composition folder
Have a great night!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

8 Green homework for 1/3

Comm. Arts no homework
Science- finish states of matter foldable if not completed in class
Math - algebra HW #7-1 3,5,8,10,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,31,  pre-algebra finish WS #1
Social Studies- no homework

Welcome Back!!

Today we start a new semester as well as a new unit of topic, Ancient Rome.  I hope everyone had a great break and is ready to get back to work.  This page will begin to serve not only as the daily update to our in class studies, it will also serve as the homework hotline for the 8 Green Team.  If you want daily updates sent to your email, simply add your email address to the list of followers and everytime I update this page you will receive an email.  Also, you can "like" my Facebook page and the same info will be sent out.